Effects of Visual Input Enhancement and Lexical Elaboration on Incidental Vocabulary Learning
This quasi-experimental study examined the effects of two types of input modification, visual input enhancement (VIE) and lexical elaboration (LE), on 130 Korean high school students’ incidental vocabulary learning through reading. The participants of this study were assigned into three treatments (VIE, LE, VIE+LE) and a control and they experienced 20 target words across three reading passages. The extent of the student participants’ incidental vocabulary learning was measured via a form recognition test and a meaning recognition test. The results showed that VIE had a statistically significant positive effect on the students’ performance on the form recognition test. It was also found that the combination of VIE plus LE had a significant immediate effect on their performance on the meaning recognition test. Such an effect, however, was observed only among the upper-level students, and did not last over three days. Pedagogical implications as well as more detailed findings are presented.
II. 이론적 배경 및 선행연구
1. 우연적 어휘 학습
2. 시간적 입력 강화
3. 어휘 상세화
III. 연구 방법
1. 연구 참여자
2. 연구 도구
3. 연구 절차
4. 자료의 분석
IV. 연구 결과
1. 사후 읽기 이해도 평가 결과
2. 사후 및 지연 사후 어휘 검사 결과
V. 논의 및 결론
1. 입력 수정과 읽기 이해
2. 입력 수정 방식이 어휘의 형태와 의미 인식에 미치는 영향
VI. 결론 및 제언
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