The Effects of Focus-on-Form Instruction on Korean EFL Students’ Incidental Learning of English Verb Patterns
The purpose of the study is to investigate which kind of focus-on-form instruction is effective in promoting incidental learning of English verb patterns in meaning-focused reading classes. The study compared the effectiveness of three kinds of focus-on-form instruction in learning 7 English verb patterns incidentally by 94 Korean university students with low English language proficiency: (1) the use of a dictionary, (2) the provision of marginal glosses, and (3) the provision of input enhancement and sentence-level translations. The study found that the provision of marginal glosses had a significantly greater effect on promoting incidental learning of the target verb patterns than the use of a dictionary and the provision of input enhancement and sentence-level translations. This result may be due to the fact that the target verb patterns were not noticed when dictionary use was allowed or input enhancement and sentence-level translations were provided, whereas the learners’ attention was drawn to marginal glosses and so the target verb patterns were noticed.
II. 이론적 배경 및 선행연구
1. 동사패턴
2. 사전 사용
3. 어휘주석
4. 입력고양
5. 문장번역
III. 실험연구
1. 실험연구의 목적
2. 실험연구의 대상
3. 실험설계
4. 목표 동사패턴
5. 교수 절차
6. 평가와 채점 방법
7. 결과 분석
8. 논의
IV. 결론 및 제언
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