

Relative Pronouns as an Accessibility Marker in Discourse


Jang, Eun-Young, 김경열

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to examine the distributional patterns of relative pronouns and identify the pragmatic factors that affect the choice of a particular type of relative pronoun in discourse. To find out the pragmatic factors that characterize the use of relative pronouns, we examined overall types of relative pronouns employed in discourse on a corpus-based analysis, and investigated the combinational patterns of relative clauses in written and spoken discourse. The findings from the data analysis showed that relative pronouns, as an ‘accessibility marker’, can be a parameter in combining with a particular type of relative clause in discourse as follows: 1) ‘salience’ function: zero < that < which < who < whom; 2) ‘unification’ function: zero > that > which or who > whom. Consequently, we claim that the choice of an antecedent-relative pronoun combination is determined by the pragmatic factors such as ‘salience’ and ‘unification’, which contribute to the facilitation of language processing and production.


I. Introduction
 II. Literature Review
 III. Research Methods
 IV. Findings and Discussions
  4.1 Subjective Relative Pronouns with Human Antecedents: that or who
  4.2 Subjective Relative Pronouns with Non-human Antecedents that or which
  4.3 Objective Relative Pronouns with Human Antecedents:zero, that, who, or whom
  4.4 Objective Relative Pronouns with Non-human Antecedents: zero, that, or which
 V. Conclusions
 Works Cited


  • Jang, Eun-Young 장은영. Kangwon National University
  • 김경열 Kim, Kyungyul. Kangwon National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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