A Study on the Social and Cultural Characteristics in the Lexical Distributions in the High School National Language Textbooks of Korea and Japan
The purpose of this study is to comprehend the social and cultural characteristics of Korea and Japan by examining significant difference in the lexical distributions in the high school national language textbooks of Korea and Japan based on Bunrui Goihyo(1964). First, in ‘the overall number of words’ of the 5 large categories, Korean language textbooks showed a great significant difference in the item ‘the subject of human activities’ while Japanese language textbooks showed a great difference in the item ‘abstract relationships’. This is a phenomenon consistent in the national language textbooks after the level of elementary and middle school. To focus on the overall number of words among 43 sub-categories, Korean language textbooks showed a great significant difference in 14 items including human beings, family, members・position, society, and economy. Japanese language textbooks showed a great significant difference in 9 items including instructions, alliance・organization, mind, creative activities・writing, interaction with people, machine, and animal. Based on the above results, a comparison of social and cultural characteristics through small categories and words of high frequency can be made as follows: Korean language textbooks use titles of relatives of a wider range associated with husband and wife, grand parents, grandchildren, and brothers, and showed a significant difference in specific person, words indicating persons, boss, monarch, ruling class, tax, wage, income, occupation, peace・war and various products. This probably reflects actual life including economy and national security as greater emphasis is laid on individual, family, and relationship between subordinates and superiors. In Japanese language textbooks on the other hand, most of the words related to family were those about parents, many words were common names referring to humankind in general, and words indicating ethnicity and temporary positions, and there was a significant difference in words related to feelings, knowledge/opinion, creative activities/writing, organization, assembly, and machine. This result confirms that Japanese society gives priority to group over individual, and is comparatively free from the dominant-subordinate or subordinate-superior relationship, and more focused on emotions and mental activities rather than on practical reality.
本稿では『分類語彙表』(1964)に基づき、韓國と日本の高校國語敎科書の語彙分布に現れた有意差を通じて兩國の社會文化的特徵を明らかにする。 まず、5個の大分類の「全體語數」を見てみると韓国は「人間活動の主體」で、日本は「抽象的關係」で有意差が現れた。これは小・中学校でも一貫した現象でもある。只、小・中學校の場合、他の「生産物及び用具」「人間活動-精神及び行為」「自然物及び自然現象」でも有意差が現れたが、高校では両国とも類似しており、また各項目別語彙の比率も低くなっている。 43個の中分類の「全體語數」の場合、韓國は人間、家族、構成員・職、社會、経済など、14項目で有意差が現れ、日本は「こそあど」のような指示語、同盟・團體、心、創作・著述、交流、燈火、動物など、9項目で有意差が現れた。 以上をもとに、小分類および高頻度語を通じて社會文化的特徵を分析すると次のようである。韓國は夫婦・祖父母・孫・兄弟と関わる広い範囲での親族語彙を数多く使っており、特定人物、人稱語、長、君主、支配階級、稅金、給與、所得、仕事、平和・戰爭および何らかの生産物などで有意差が現れた。韓国の教科書は個人および家族など、上下關係が守られ、経済及び安保など、實生活を積極的に反映していると言える。一方、日本は家族と関わる語彙は主に「父母」に限られ、特定人物よりは人間全般を指す通稱語や人種、自他、老少分野および臨時的な地位を表す語彙が多く、感情、知識・意見、創作・著述、團體、集い、機械などで有意差が現れた。日本は個人よりは集團を大事にし、支配および上下關係から自由で、現實的な生活よりは人間の感情や精神活動に焦点を当てていると言える。
2. 연구 배경 및 선행연구
3. 국어과 교육과정 및 교과서
4. 분석 대상 및 분석 방법
5. 전체어휘 및 대분류 대조
6. 중분류 대조
7. 소분류 및 고빈도어 대조
8. 맺음말