

한국사회의 중국동포 이해와 소통을 위한 질적연구 -일본 다문화공생의 내러티브 이론을 배경으로-


A Qualitative research for understanding and communication with Chinese compatriots in Korean society -In the background of the Narrative theory of Japanese multi-cultural symbiosis-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



At the very early stage of multi-cultural societies, political ideologies or economic solutions were major problems. But recently, more various subjects like religion, philosophy, and, arts are becoming problematic issues to immigrants and causes of social conflicts. It means the past social adaptation program, an one-sided assimilation policy drvien by Korean government, revealed its limitation. Now in various viewpoints, mutual understanding programs become necessary. Through the process of giving narratives to their own stories, immigrants or settlers can help themselves to recover their identity and reveal significance of their existence. Based on such critical mind, this study will try to suggest followings as one of practical steps to solve conflicts in Korean multi-cultural society. It is to make immigrates say their own immigration experience and to reconstruct those stories. Such works can broaden opportunities to communicate in Korean multi-cultural society. To do that, a practice oriented research process was attempted in this study, which is theoretical based on one of the qualitative research methods of Japanese multi-cultural symbiosis policy. Utilizing that qualitative method, cases of interviews of Chinese compatriots were taken mainly in ‘Garibong dong’ settle town. Their stories have experience of hardship such as being neglected or discriminated, but also have experience of overcoming difficulties and achieving personality and sociality growth. Above all, stories of multi-cultural society or family need to be more exposed to Korean society.


最近、多文化社会化が早く進むことにより、移住初期にあった政治的理念や経済的問題だけではなく、文学、宗教、哲学、芸術などの文化的問題などが移住民たちの社会的葛藤の原因になっている。過去韓国政府が主導した‘同和主義’次元の一方的な社会適応プログラムは限界を見せ始め、実際的に相互理解の観点から疎通できる方式へとのプログラムの転換が必要となった。移住民たちが自身のストーリーを物語る過程を通し、自己アイデンティティーの回復と韓国社会の居住民との疎通を助ける役割を期待することができるであろう。 本論文では、そのような問題意識をベースにして、韓国多文化社会の葛藤解決のための実践的な方案の一つとして、韓国に居住する外国人労働者や結婚移住女性などを対象として、移住民たちが自身の経験を物語りながら、再構成する作業を通して多文化理解と疎通のフレームを提供しようとした。 そのため、日本多文化共生政策の質的研究方法のナラティブ研究を理論の背景とし、実践志向的な研究過程を試みる。韓国の代表的多文化地域と言われるソウル市加里峰洞の中国同胞タウンを中心にインタビュー調査を実施して研究を行った。


1. 머리말
 2. 일본 다문화공생과 내러티브 이론
 3. 중국동포타운- 가리봉동을 중심으로
 4. 연구결과 분석
 5. 맺음말


  • 金京姬 김경희. 한국외국어대학교대학원 글로벌문화콘텐츠학과 조교수, 일본문화


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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