전후の재일コリアン政策を통して현る 일본の「다문화공생」イデオロギー -교육정책と시민운동を중심に-
The concept of "multiple cultures" did not exist in postwar Japan, but the "international understanding" which gives priority to its race had substituted for the ideology. Those days most foreigners were Koreans in Japan, and the policy to them was an "assimilation policy." and assimilation was "kyosei" ideology containing the meaning of "parasitism." The 90s in Japan, although newcomers increased in number, but the governmental plan was "Japanesization" of them. It was only extension of the "assimilation policy" to a Korean in Japan. The Japanese government began to use the word "tabunka-kyosei" under such circumstances. However, even if it used the word "tabunka-kyosei", it is extension of an "assimilation policy" and there was no change in the meaning of "parasitism" being contained. Furthermore, the civic movement in connection with a newcomer advanced activity which assists with a governmental policy, without considering "tabunka-kyosei" ideology deeply. The 1980s, only the Korean educational movement in Japan put the ideology "mutualism", and promoted the movement. However, now it can concluded that the movement will also be controlled by the "tabunka-kyosei" ideology containing the meaning of "parasitism" .
2. 戦後日本の異文化教育論の変遷
2.1 国際理解教育論の時期(1945年~)
2.2 グローバル教育論の時期(1970年中頃~)
2.3 「多文化共生」教育論の時期(1990年頃~)
3. 戦後日本の在日コリアン教育政策と市民運動
3.1 日本政府の在日コリアン教育政策
3.2 市民団体の在日コリアン教育運動
4. 在日コリアン政策における「多文化共生」イデオロギー
4.1 日本における「共生」の概念
4.2 日本政府の教育政策と「多文化共生」
4.3 市民団体の「多文化共生」運動
5. 結論