

법령번역에서 직설법 현재형 동사의 사용 제언 - 비 번역 영미법 코퍼스와의 비교를 중심으로


Using present indicative in place of shall in English translation of Korean statutes : Focusing on non-translated US and UK statute corpora


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study explores the issues of using present indicative in place of shall in the English translation of Korean statutes. Due to the Plain Language legislative attempt over the past few decades, shall is now rapidly being replaced by the simple present and other performative forms in many common law countries. Against this backdrop, this study compiled three sub-comparable corpora consisting of translated Korean Statute Corpus (TKSC) and non-translated British Statute Corpus (BSC) and American Statute Corpus (ASC), and examined the frequencies, types, and patterns of present indicative in each corpus. In particular, the present study separately calculated the frequencies of present indicative forms that convey prescriptive force using CLAWS 7 tagged text files. Analysis of the three comparable corpora shows many discrepancies in the use of present indicative between translated corpus and non-translated corpora. While the simple present is restrictively used in definition provisions in TKSC, many present simple verb forms are found in ASC and BSC as a performative marker to indicate constitutive rules, application provisions, deeming provisions, and other declaratives.


 I. 문제의 제기
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 선행연구
  2. 법제지침
 III. 코퍼스 편찬 및 분석방법
  1. 코퍼스 편찬
  2. 분석방법
 IV. 분석결과
  1. 한국 법령번역문 코퍼스(TKSC)
  2. 미국 법령문 코퍼스(ASC)
  3. 영국 법령문 코퍼스(BSC)
 V. 결론


  • 유정주 Yoo, Jeongju.. 한동대학교


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