A Method to Analyze the Structure of Interpersonal Trust Network in SNS
Many studies have pointed out that trust is the most important component of social capital. Although there have been lots of attempts to measure level of trust between members of community, it is hard to find studies which examine trust from the standpoint of structural aspects. Because of the recent rapid growth of SNS and openness trend on members and their friendship information, it became possible to understand the structure of trust relationships among users in SNS. This study aims to facilitate interpersonal trust by comparing the structure of the trust network among social network users. For this purpose, it proposes a method to explore the structure of trust network and strategies to evolve toward more open structure. In experiments to distinguish structure of trust network with three social network communities, it is discovered that ADVOGATO has characteristics of open and collective network together whereas EPINION and FILMTRUST have collective and open characteristics respectively.
1. 서론
2. 신뢰망 구조에 대한 기존연구
3. 신뢰망 구조의 파악 방법
3.1 시각화 분석방법
3.2 소셜 네트워크 지표를 이용한 신뢰망 구조 분석
3.3 집단 내 집단 간 평균 신뢰수준 비교를 통한 신뢰망 구조 분석
3.4 신뢰망 구조에 대한 해석
4. 사례연구
4.1 데이터 셋
4.2 실험 결과
5. 결론 및 시사점