

오키나와평화기념공원 형성의 다른 경로 : ‘초석론(礎論)’의 영향과 미군정기의 경험


Other Paths to the Formation of the Okinawa Peace Memorial Park : With a Focus on the Influence of the Discourse of Ishizue (礎論) and the Experience of the American Military Administration


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Cornerstone of Peace(平和の礎; Japanese: Heiwa-no Ishiji) in the Okinawa Peace Memorial Park is famous for its inscription, under the principle of “equality before death,” of the names of all victims who died in relation to the Battle of Okinawa. This has been praised for overcoming the limitations of nationalism and militarism, which have been adopted by most existing memorial parks for the war dead. However, the transparent logic of “equality before death” has been polluted by the praxis of forces who have (intentionally) mistaken the Cornerstone of Peace as an Okinawan version of the Foundation of Peace(平和の礎; Japanese: Heiwa-no Ishizue). The Foundation of Peace is a structure that reflects the logic that Japan’s past hardships such as World War II served as the basis of the nation’s “peace” and “prosperity” in the 1960’s, and this has been linked to the eulogization of the country’s past militarism. In addition, its way of inscribing the names of all of the dead regardless of their respective nationalities is very similar to the tactical attitude of the conservative force of Okinawa, who, though they wished to memorialize only the Japanese soldiers killed but could not but include American soldiers sacrificed in the war in consideration of the US military, which was the actual ruling force. Consequently, the Cornerstone of Peace has become an entity onto which are projected not only the intentions of the critical civil society within Okinawa but also the desire of the conservative force in the area or Japan itself. As such, the monument cannot be supported wholeheartedly by South Korean civil society.




1. 머리말
 2. ‘평화의 주춧돌’ 추진세력의 입장과 추진과정
 3. ‘평화의 주춧돌’과 ‘평화의 초석’ 사이의 거리
 4. 국적을 불문하고 희생자 전체를 위령하는 전통 :  미군정기의 경험
 5. 진정한 ‘평화의 주춧돌’을 위해서
 영문 abstract


  • 김민환 Min hwan, KIM. 중앙대학교 사회학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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