A proposal of problem posing activity through communication and group discussion.
The purpose of this research is to suggest problem posing and provide concrete explanation about learning development process and its example. First, problem posing activity through situation progress in the following order: situation proposal, problem posing, interchange problem solving, problem reflection, group discussion. Second, problem posing activity through mathematical problem solving progress in the following order: problem proposal, problem solving, problem solving using diverse representation, group discussion, individual problem posing activity, interchange problem solving, problem reflection, group discussion. Problem posing activity of proposed research restructure problem posing activity of Ellerton(2013) toward the center group discussion to stress communication. This activity will provide didactic implication in the mathematical classroom.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 문헌검토
1. 소집단 협동학습
2. 문제 만들기 활동
Ⅲ. 문제 만들기 활동 제안
1. 상황 제시를 통한 문제 만들기 활동
2. 문제 해결을 통한 문제 만들기 활동
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언