

재배방법을 달리한 땅콩 새싹의 항산화 효능 비교


Comparison of Antioxidant Activity of Peanut Sprouts Different Cultivation Methods

우나리야, 김현정, 이은상, 이건호, 정옥진, 고성희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The primary objective of research to develop a functional material compared to the antioxidant activity of the peanut sprout according to the UV irradiation study. During cultivation for 7 days at a dark room, UV irradiation treatment group (UT) is grown, and under irradiation of ultraviolet rays from day 3 to day 7 has been cultivated only in a dark room to 7 result UV untreated group (NT) is the NT than UT was slightly shorter, and appears much paler in color and look like spots. This is because stress is considered by the UV irradiation. UT peanut sprout height longer than the many fine roots, dark color contrast NT is grown only in a darkroom. UT was higher than the total phenolic content of UV treated (UT) peanut sprout extract, total phenolic compounds of leaf extracts UT 1.81 mg/mL, the root extract 1.58 mg/mL, 1.52 mg extract stem was determined. A comparison of the total flavonoid content of the peanuts sprout result, the results of the total phenolic compound similarly the case of the total flavonoid UV treatment group in each region is high, the measurement contents. Compared according to the presence or absence of UV treatment DPPH radical scavenging activity of peanut sprout, both higher than those measured in the NT UT. 87.43%, 55.27% root extract, leaf extract was compared to NT stem extract of UT is 51.38% as measured by significantly higher, especially in the leaf extract showed DPPH radical scavenging effect of increasing UV treatment at least about 1.59 times . Appeared to NT 59.23%, UT 65.91 leaf extract, root extract was NT 62.40%, to NT 59.40% stem extract, UT 65.77%, UT 68.55% of the ABTS radical scavenging activity of peanut bud. Therefore, non-UV irradiation was higher than ABTS radical scavenging activity of UV irradiation.


  1. 실험 재료 및 시료 추출
  2. 땅콩 발아 및 재배 방법
  3. 땅콩새싹 농축액의 항산화 활성
  4. 통계처리
 결과 및 고찰
  1. UV조사에 따른 땅콩 새싹의 변화
  2. 땅콩새싹의 총 페놀 함량
  3. 땅콩새싹의 총 플라보노이드 함량
  4. 땅콩새싹의 DPPH radical 소거능
  5. 땅콩새싹의 ABTS radical 소거능
 감사의 글


  • 우나리야 Woo, Nariyah. 호서대학교 식품공학과, 기초과학연구소
  • 김현정 Kim, Hyunjung. 수원여자대학교 식품조리과
  • 이은상 Lee, Eun Sang. (주)주환바이오 셀
  • 이건호 Lee, Gunho. (주) 뉴앤뉴
  • 정옥진 Joung, Okjin. (주) 뉴앤뉴
  • 고성희 Ko, Seong Hee. 성신여자대학교 문화산업대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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