Field Dependence/Independence as Modulating Factors of the Efficacy of Explicit/Implicit Oral Feedback in L2 Development
A great deal of research has examined how learners with different field dependent (FD) and field independent (FI) cognitive styles benefit differently from different types of instructions. However, there has been little attention to the issue whether or not learners’ different cognitive styles constrain the efficacy of implicit and explicit oral corrective feedback in second language (L2) development. To shed some light on this issue, the current study explored how FD/FI learners benefited differently from recasts and metalinguistic feedback offered during meaning-oriented activities in the development of English articles. Eighty-nine high school students in five intermediate English classes participated in this study. Two classes received recasts and two classes got metalinguistic feedback to the errors related to the target form, English articles. The other class, as a control group, did not receive any feedback. Participants were classified into FD or FI learners based on their scores on the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT). Feedback was offered throughout two treatment sessions, and picture description tests were employed to measure the students’ linguistics gains. It was found that FI students benefited from both recasts and metalinguistic feedback while FD students got benefits only from metalinguistic feedback.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Background
1. Implicit and Explicit Oral Corrective Feedback
2. FD and FI Cognitive Styles and L2 Learning
III. Method
1. Participants
2. Procedures
3. Cognitive Style Measures
4. Target Feature
5. Forms of Recasts and Metalinguistic Feedback
6. Instructional Procedures
7. Testing Instrument. Scoring, and Statistics Analysis
IV. Results and Discussion
V. Conclusion