Education paradigms are shifting to include more online learning, blended and hybrid learning, and collaborative models. The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which typical lecture and homework sections of a course are reversed, offering the benefit that it rearranges face-to-face instructions, attempting to create a more efficient and enriched use of class time. In this study it was analyzed if the flipped classroom model, combined with mobile learning technologies, could stimulate students’ participation and engagement in MIS courses. The results of the study revealed that the combination of flipped classroom model and mobile technologies have a direct impact on students’ perception and learning outcomes, focusing on a five point course outcome scale.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1 Mobile Learning Practices
2.2. Flipped Classroom
3. The Study
3.1. Previous Studies
3.2. Course Design
3.3. Empirical Data
3.4. Results
7. Conclusions