

소통적 문학번역 사례 연구 및 교육적 함의


A case study of a communicative literary translation and its pedagogical implications.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to previous studies about translators’ competence for communicative translation, four sub-components have been designated to obtain and strengthen a communicative function of a translation; linguistic, textual, pragmatic, and strategic competence. Based on the categorization above, this study has analyzed an exemplary communicative translation, The House with a Sunken Courtyard, in which the translator has remarkably exercised her communicative translational competence at linguistic, textual, pragmatic, and strategic levels. The outcome of the translator’s effort to strengthen the communicative function has been critically acclaimed and thereby, wining the 12th Korean Literary Translation Award. However, the theoretical emphasis on the communicative function of a translation is one thing, and actual application of strategies for more effective function of the translation is another. Student translators have not been fully aware of the communicative role as translators and tend to stick to the word-for-word translation strategy. Therefore, students have learned some ways to be free from the structure of the source text and sought how to apply the explicitation strategy at linguistic, textual, and pragmatic level as part of an effort to strengthen the communicative function of their translations.


 I. 서론
 II. 소통적 번역역량 구성 요소
  1. 소통적 번역역량 구성 하부요소
  2. 각 하부요소 별 번역 분석 초점
 III. 소통적 번역 사례 분석
  1. 소통적 번역 구현 작품 및 번역가
  2. 번역 역량 구성 하부요소에 의거한 번역 사례 분석
 IV. 소통적 번역교육 시 명시화 전략 적용 사례
  1. 번역 학습자 및 번역 실습 텍스트
  2. 소통적 번역 실습 사례
  3. 번역 실습 결과 분석
 V. 결론


  • 마승혜 Mah, Seung-hye.. 동국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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