


옥스퍼드 대학 소장 한국 희귀도서『ㅎ.다』 연구


On a Korean rare book『ㅎ.다』 in Oxford University


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



『ᄒᆞ다』, held in the Bodleian Library of the University of Oxford, is considered as a rare book of Korea. However, virtually nothing is known about the author of the book or the purpose of its publication. This paper seeks to identify the author of the book and understand the author's motive in publishing the book based on two pieces of evidence found on the cover of the book: that the book was published in 1896 and that the examples used therein are from Lumen. By studying the historical context based on the publication year and investigating the identity of 『Lumen』, this study was able to discover that the book was published by the English Church Missionaries in Korea. Nonetheless, it was difficult to identify the author of 『ᄒᆞ다』since the publication records of the Anglican Church yielded no information on the publication of the book. However, through other records of the Anglican Church, this study was able to discover that the collection of Trollope and Landis, who collected Korea-related materials at the time of the publication of 『ᄒᆞ다』remained in the catalogue of Landis Library. And through the catalogue, this study was able to discover that the author of 『ᄒᆞ다』was Bishop Charles John Corfe, the first diocesan bishop of the Anglican Church in Korea. In addition, this paper analyzes the linguistic value of 『ᄒᆞ다』and seeks to explain, from a language learning perspective, why Corfe was unable to successfully acquire the Korean language in spite of his authorship of the book.


이 논문은 옥스퍼드 대학 보들리안(Bodleian) 도서관에서 한국 희귀 도서로 소개된 ‘ᄒᆞ다’의 저자 및 출판 동기를 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 이 책 표지를 통해 얻을 수 있는 정보는 1896년이라는 출판년도와 몇몇 용례의 출처가 Lumen이라는 점이었다. 이 논문에서는 1896년이라는 시대적 배경과 Lumen의 실체를 밝히는 과정에서 『ᄒᆞ다』가 영국 성공회 선교단에서 출판된 책임을 파악했다. 그리고 『ᄒᆞ다』의 출판 시기에 성공회 선교단에서 한국 관련 문헌을 수집했던 장서가들의 책 목록인 랜디스문고 목록을 찾아서 『ᄒᆞ다』의 저자가 한국 성공회의 초대 주교였던 코프이라는 사실을 확인하였다. 아울러 이 논문에서는 『ᄒᆞ다』가 지니는 어학적 가치를 분석해 보았으며, 또한 코프가 의도했던 대로 이 책이 한국어학습 교재로서의 기능을 가졌던 것인지 언어학습 관점에서 설명하고자 하였다.


 1. 서론
 2. 『 하다』의 서지사항
 3. 국어학적 가치
 4. 한국어 학습 교재로서의 가치
 5. 결론


  • 이숙 Lee, Sook. 전주대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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