

保育者及び保護者に対する障害観、インクルーシブ 教育観の調査研究 - 日韓のインクルーシブ教育を中心に -


International comparative survey study on “the views of children with disabilities” and “the perspectives on special support education” in early childhood inclusive educational settings - Focusing on inclusive education in Japan and Korea -

崔順子, 齋藤正典

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Inclusive education and social inclusion of children with disabilities in early childhood settings and transition from home to early invention programs and schools are important topics internationally. There are two main aims of this study: 1. To compare “the views of children with disabilities” and “the perspectives on special support education” in the early childhood education and care internationally; 2. To clarify the characteristics of the Japanese and Korean “views of children with disabilities” and “the perspectives on special support education”. This international comparison study was conducted using a survey form completed by parents (507) and kindergarten teachers (543) in five countries, namely Denmark, Singapore, India, Korea and Japan. We developed a multi language questionnaire on “the views of children with disabilities” and “the perspectives on special support education”. Factor analysis was applied to the inventory data. Four factors were found in the “the views of children with disabilities” and three factors are found in “the perspectives on special support Education”. These factors used as scales respectively. Each data were located on scales in order to clarify the characteristics of each of the participating countries in this study. There were a few differences between Japanese and Korean “views of children with disabilities” and “the perspectives on special support Education”. The background of these differences seemed to be the differences on the administrative system and cultural value.




 Ⅰ. はじめに
 Ⅱ. 研究方法
  1. 研究の対象
  2. 調査の実施方法
  3. 質問紙の作成
 Ⅲ. 結果
  1. 障害観の26項目の構造
  2. インクル一シブ教育観の18項目の構造
  3. 障害観に関する項目の尺度別平均値とその日韓比較
  4. インクル一シブ教育観に関する項目の尺度別平均値とその日韓比較
 Ⅳ. 考察と今後の課題
  1. 障害観に関する日韓の比較検討
  2. インクル一シブ教育観に関する日韓の比較検討
  3. 今後の課題


  • 崔順子 최순자. 國際兒童發達敎育硏究院
  • 齋藤正典 Saito, Masanori. 相模女子大学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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