

【특집논문】한-EU FTA에서의 지적재산권 쟁점

한ㆍEU FTA에서의 특허 관련 쟁점


Patent Issues in the Korea-EU FTA


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



After the Korea-US FTA having been agreed on April 2, 2007, Korea and European Union have negotiated for the Korea-EU FTA. This article introduces some patent issues which can be raised during the negotiation, and discusses means and measures to deal with the negotiation. Regarding the issue raised by EU, Korea's accession to the PLT, Korea may promise to accede to the PLT by 2012 or at the latest 2015. It is believed that the PLT may be beneficial to domestic applicants as well as European applicants. With regard to the calculation method for drug patent term extension, we may ask EU to harmonize EU's method with that of the U.S.A. first and then Korea may follow the harmonized method. As negotiation leverages, Korea may ask EU to agree on (1) establishment of the EU Patent Court, (2) expansion of coverage of the grace period system, (3) patent term extension to compensate for examination delay, (4) harmonization of inventive step standard, etc. This article explains basics of said systems and reasons thereof for Korea to urge EU to adopt them. IP-based country is a country where creation, protection and utilization of IP leads dynamics and advanced ness of the economy. Therefore, in the IP-based country, goal of IP administration will be to enhance public sector function for IP creation, protection and utilization. It is believed that the Korea-US FTA and the Korea-EU FTA will guarantee upgraded IP protection in Korea.


Ⅰ. 도입
 Ⅱ. 유럽연합측 요구사항에 대한 대응
  1. 특허법조약(PLT)의 준수
  2. 의약품 특허존속기간연장 대상기간 계산방법
 Ⅲ. 우리측 요구사항
  1. 유럽특허법원 창설 요구
  2. 신규성의제 제도의 확충
  3. 등록지연을 보전하는 특허권 존속기간 연장
  4. 진보성 심사기준의 통일화
  5. 신규사항(new matter) 요건 완화
  7. 연차등록료 일괄 납부제도 도입 및 출원유지료폐지 요청
  8. EPO 특허결정 후 개별국에 번역문 제출시 신규대리인 선임 문제
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 정차호 Jung, Cha-Ho. 성균관대학교 법과대학 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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