


공동연구계약의 특허 관련 규정에 관한 연구


A Study on Patent Related Provisions in a Joint Research Agreement


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As the need of cost sharing and risk sharing in research activities of new technology increases, the need for a joint research also increases. However, a joint research has many demerits as well, such as disclosure of technical informations and complex decision-making mechanism. Each party must pay special attention on drafting a well-considered joint research agreement (JSR). Especially a successful joint research inevitably gives birth to an invention. The invention and relevant patent-related rights may bring out many complex legal disputes. Therefore a good JSR must in advance address such possibilities of legal disputes. This paper introduces general concepts of a JSR and then tries to explain typical provisions of a JSR. Especially this paper focuses on patent-related provisions of a JSR. An invention created by a JSR is, without a contrary provision, jointly owned by two parties. Because the joint ownership of an invention may lead to unpredicted complex legal relationship, both parties must agree on some important aspects of the joint ownership before signing the JSR. This paper introduces some alternative provisions related to patent rights which are acceptable to both parties. A well balanced JSR may minimize possibilities of future disputes between both parties and further maximize research capabilities of them.


Ⅰ. 서 론
  1. 공동연구(Joint Research) 환경의 변화
  2. 공동연구의 필요성
  3. 연구의 목적
 Ⅱ. 공동연구에 대한 일반적 검토
  1. 기술획득의 유형
  2. 공동연구의 개념 및 수행주체
  3. 공동연구의 유형
  4. 공동연구의 장점과 단점
  5. 공동연구에 대한 국내ㆍ외 현황
  6. 소결
 Ⅲ 공동연구계약의 일반사항 검토
  1. 공동연구의 목적, 대상, 기간 및 범위
  2. 공동연구에 있어서 정보교환
  3. 공동연구 체계 및 방법
  4. 의무의 위임
  5. 비밀유지의무
  6. 공동연구계약의 변경 또는 취소
  7. 공동연구계약의 위반 시 조치
 Ⅳ. 공동연구계약의 특허에 관한 사항 검토
  1. 공동연구 결과물(특허를 받을 수 있는 권리)의 귀속
  2. 특허출원의 수행주체 및 비용부담
  3. 공동연구 결과물(특허를 받을 수 있는 권리)의 이전
  4. 공동연구 결과물(특허권)의 권리 귀속
  5. 공동연구 결과물(특허권)의 양도 및 실시권 설정
  6. 공동연구개발 결과물에 대한 분쟁 시 소송수행 주체 및비용부담
  7. 공유자의 자기실시의 범위
  8. 공동연구 결과물 이후에 발생한 이용발명에 대한 실시
  9. 공동연구원의 직무발명
 Ⅴ. 공동연구계약에 대한 외국의 사례
  1. Lambert Model Agreement
  2. 램버트 모델 계약의 선택
 Ⅵ. 결어


  • 정차호 Chaho Jung. 충남대학교 법과대학 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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