


특허권의 공유에 관한 비교법적고찰 및 실무상 유의점


Comparative study of co-ownership of patent right and matters to be attended to


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article relates to comparative study of co-ownership of patent right and matters to be attended to. With progress of high technology, companies which claim to stand for selection and concentration are increasing rapidly. With stressing the necessity of cooperation between university and industry, co-ownership of patent rights resulted from co-researches are also increasing. However, as to the patent law related with co-ownership of patent right, it has not been changed a lot regardless of big change in industrial environment since 1961 when the Korean patent law set the provisions of co-ownership of patent right for the first time. As to interpretation of the related clauses, it is thought not many studies has been done. It is checked on this article whether the clauses related with co-ownership of patent right in current patent law are correspond with the purpose of patent law which is seeking to encourage, protect and utilize inventions, thereby improving and developing technology, and to contribute to the development of industry.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 특허권의 공유
  1. 발생원인
  2. 법적성질
 Ⅲ. 외국의 입법례
  1. 미국
  2. 프랑스
  3. 일본
 VI. 공유특허권의 권리관계
  1. 특허를 받을 수 있는 권리 및 발명자 명예권
  2. 공동출원
  3. 권리의 이전 및 실시권의 허락
  4. 심판 및 소송
 V. 공유특허권에 대한 실무상 유의점
  1. 사전계약의 중요성
  2. 발명자의 확정 및 기여도의 산정
  3. 실험일지의 작성
  4. 현지법과 제도의 이해
 VI. 결론


  • 신혜은 Shin, Hye Eun. 특허법인 원전 변리사, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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