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Contribution of Agriculture to Economic Growth in Mongolia
ASCONS IJEMR Volume 1 Number 2 2017.12 pp.23-32
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Contribution of jellyfish soil amendment to tree seedling growth for hillside reforestation
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The Contribution of Religion to a More Comprehensive Environmental Education
인하대학교 다문화융합연구소 다문화와 교육 Vol.5 No.2 2020.12 pp.105-122
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Net contribution, Liquidity, and Optimal Pension Management
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The Contribution of IT Labor on Productivity
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The Contribution of Social Capital to Economic Performance in The Globalized Economy
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Evaluation of Contribution of Water Quality Improvement Facilities in Juam Lake Watershed
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Continuous Knowledge Contribution Behavior in Business Online Communities
한국경영정보학회 한국경영정보학회 정기 학술대회 Service Management and Innovation with Information Technology 2011.06 pp.233-239
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Role and Contribution of the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance for the Global Alcohol Policy
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Amateurs' Scientific Contribution to the Future of Go
국제바둑학회(구 한국바둑학회) 한국바둑학회 국제학술대회논문집 ICOB 2001 ; The 1ST International Conference on Baduk 2001.05 pp.227-245
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Company stock in defined contribution plans : Evidence from proxy voting
한국재무학회 한국재무학회 학술대회 2015 재무금융 관련 5개 학회 학술연구발표회 2015.05 pp.1558-1629
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