

러시아 및 기타

FGD를 통한 중국, 대만, 일본의 한류 소비 형태에 대한 분할특성 연구


Research division of the Hallyu consumption patterns characteristic of China, Taiwan and Japan through the FGD

허윤정, 김익기, 장원호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study appeared to look like in the origin of the Korean Wave(haiiyu) in Asia, hence while having an interest in how the image of Koreans appeared to want to pay attention sex multidimensional three regions of East Asia local acceptance of foreign cultures. In other words, national economic level, gender, and to analyze the differences in the acceptance of Age Wave, noting such features. According to the claims of the FGD participants in this study the meantime, the role of the Korean Wave has played only preachers holding a one-way flow of cultural exchanges between the two countries is lacking. But it believed to be the way out should be sought in the interaction with the local culture now.


1. 서론
  1) 연구 배경
  2) 연구 방법
 2. 한류현상에 대한 이론적 접근
  1) 한류의 범위와 현황
  2) 한류의 이론적 배경
 3. 동아시아에서 한류에 대한 특성별 비교
  1) 한국 드라마, 영화, K-pop의 이용 형태 특성
  2) 한류 문화 소비의 접촉과정
 4. 동아시아 3국에서의 한류의 영향력
 5. 결론


  • 허윤정 Hur, Yoon-Jung. 동국대 사회학과 박사과정 수료
  • 김익기 Kim, Ik-Ki. 중국 인민대학 사회인구학원 교수
  • 장원호 Jang, Won-Ho. 서울시립대 도시사회학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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