

매체로서 게임의 재매개 자아 분석


Analysis of Remediation Self on Game as a Meduim


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Remediation in game has two logics, transparent immediacy and hypermediacy. Transparent immediacy is a form of visual representation that wipes out the presence of the medium for users and makes them feel as though they are in the presence of the objects of representation. Although game has characteristics of both transparent immediacy and hypermediacy, it has particularly strong transparent immediacy, which allows users to become immersed in the game. The self that is formed in game remediates another self through immersion in immediacy and the awakening of hypermediacy. This study analyzes the characteristics of the remediation self based on the virtual self represented in immediacy and networked self represented in hypermediacy in game. The virtual self is characterized by the immersion and dissolution of Descartes’ ego, which are enabled by the provision of linear perspective and six degrees of freedom. The networked self is characterized by a desire for hypermediacy,which is fulfilled bythe interface windows and a high level of interactivity. This paper explores how game as a new digital medium redefines the self.


 1. 서론
 2. 재매개 자아 - 가상자아
  2.1 데카르트적 에고의 해체 및 몰입
 3. 재매개 자아 - 네트워크자아
  3.1 하이퍼매개적 욕망
 4. 결론


  • 허윤정 Yoon Jung Huh. College of Arts, School of Fine Arts, KookMin University, JeongNeung - Ro, SeongBuk - Gu, Seoul 136-702, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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