

특허법원의 관할집중 : 미국연방관할항소법원(CAFC) 30년 경험의 시사점


Jurisdiction Consolidation of the Patent Court : Insights from the 30 Years Experiences of CAFC


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Currently the Korean government is more than ever seriously and positively considering the idea to consolidate the patent infringement case appeal jurisdiction into the Korea Patent Court. In discussing such jurisdiction consolidation, it will be worthwhile to analyze thirty year experiences of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC), which in 1982 achieved the same consolidation. There have been a few Korean articles which evaluated success or failure of CAFC. However they were presumed to be biased because of writers’ background or organization. Therefore, this paper randomly selects 24 recent U.S. articles which evaluate CAFC. Objectively analyzing the 24 articles, and then the author of this paper concludes: (1) none of the 24 article define CAFC as a failure, (2) some articles criticize formalism of CAFC, (3) the jurisdiction consolidation of the Korea Patent Court could be more successful than that of CAFC, (4) jurisdiction consolidation on the 1st instance level is also necessary, (5) the success of the expanded Korea Patent Court will much depend on expertise of judges.


I. 서론
 II. CAFC에 대한 기존의 평가: 24개의 다른 의견
  1. 24번 논문: Scott A. Herbst & Antigone G. Peyton
  2. 23번 논문: Ted Sichelman
  3. 22번 논문: Jeffrey A. Lefstin
  4. 21번 논문: Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss
  5. 20번 논문: Christopher A. Cotropia
  6. 19번 논문: R. Polk Wagner
  7. 18번 논문: Donald R. Dunner
  8. 17번 논문: S. Jay Plager
  9. 16번 논문: Paul D. Carrington & Paulina Orchard
  10. 15번 논문: John M. Golden
  11. 14번 논문: John F. Duffy
  12. 13번 논문: Patrick Doll
  13. 12번 논문: George C. Beighley, Jr.
  14. 11번 논문: Gregory A. Castanias et al.
  15. 10번 논문: Damon C. Andrews
  16. 9번 논문: El izabeth I. Winston
  17. 8번 논문: Ryan Vacca
  18. 7번 논문: David L. Schwartz & Lee Petherbridge
  19. 6번 논문: Arti K. Rai
  20. 5번 논문: Paul R. Gugl iuzza
  21. 4번 논문: Ted L. Field
  22. 3번 논문: Lucas S. Osborn
  23. 2번 논문: Peter Lee
  24. 1번 논문: Paul R. Gugl iuzza
 III. CAFC에 대한 기존 평가의 종합
  1. 특허사건 관할집중 그 자체에 대한 평가
  2. 판결의 일관성(uniformity) 확보
  3. 지나친 친특허 경향
  4. 판사의 구성
  5. 1심법원의 관할집중
  6. 특허법원의 대합의체(Grand Panel) 운용
 IV. 결론


  • 정차호 Chaho JUNG. 성균관대학교 법학전문대학원 교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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