

영업비밀과 근로자의 경업금지


Trade secrets and The employee's duty of non-competition


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Trade secret means any technical or operational information useful any production and sale methods and other business activities, which is not known to public, has an independent economic value, and has been maintained in secret by considerable effort. The employee obtains the trade secret in the course of employment. and if employee discloses the obtained trade secret to the outside world, the company faces the fatal trouble in management. If the employee violate the Unfair Competition Prevention and Protection of Trade secret Act. However companies should not forbid illegally their employees from transferring to another company, prohibit them of competitives transaction, or force them to make a secret oath. The trade secret should be interpreted in detail to protect the employee human rights. Also courts more clearly employee's duty of non-competition boundary or prohibited business model. Furthermore, we need to discuss the likelihood that protecting trade secret may interfere with the constitution-guaranteed basic rights such as the freedom to choose an occupation and the right to know. Finally, it discusses the issue of what happens when the protection of trade secret conflicts with fundamental human rights and proposes an approach to avoiding such conflict.


Ⅰ. 서설
 Ⅱ. 영업비밀의 개요
  1. 영업비밀의 정의와 요건
  2. 영업비밀보호의 필요성
  3. 영업비밀의 법적성격
  4. 영업비밀 침해와 입증책임
  5. 특허법과의 비교
 Ⅲ. 경업금지의 개념과 법적 근거
  1. 경업금지의 개념
  2. 비밀유지의무와의 차이
  3. 경업금지의무 법적 근거
 Ⅳ. 근로계약 종료 후의 경업금지의무
  1. 경업금지약정이 있는 경우
  2. 경업금지약정이 없는 경우


  • 김용섭 Kim, Yong-Sup. 홍익대학교 강사, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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