

탈모관리를 위한 기능성 콘텐츠 설계 및 개발


Design and Development for Scalp hair loss Serious Contents

배재환, 심은경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In recent, modern people has been suffering from their hair loss. According to the definition, hair loss refers to the status in which hairs on certain regions are lost, due to multiple causes albeit they are supposed to be present under normal conditions. Compared to the normal hair growth cycle, numbers of hair loss outnumber the newly growing hairs and there is excessive amount of hairs in the resting phase, thereby resulting the reduction of total numbers of hairs. In the present study therefore, we designed and developed the scalp management system to pursue more efficient management of hair loss. In the suggested system, scalp types were classified as follow: Plain Scalp, Dry Scalp, Oily Scalp, Compound Scalp, Sensitive Scalp, Seborrhea Scalp, Pressure alopecia Scalp, Tinea capitis Scalp, Aging Scalp, Inflame Scalp, Psoriasis Scalp, Steroid side effect Scalp, alopecia scalp and so on. It was designed that each individual can perform the scalp imaging analysis using the system so that relevant experts review diagnosis history of existing databases and diagnose various statuses of scalps. Utilizing the system herein, we are looking forward to improving competitiveness of relevant industries.


 1. 서론
 2. 탈모의 정의 및 원인
  2.1 탈모의 정의
  2.2 탈모의 원인
 3. 두피의 유형
  3.1 정상두피(Plain Scalp)
  3.2 건성두피(Dry Scalp)
  3.3 지성두피(Oily Scalp)
  3.4 복합성 두피(Compound Scalp)
  3.5 민감성 두피(Sensitive Scalp)
  3.6 지루성 두피(Seborrhea Scalp)
  3.7 압박성 탈모두피(Pressure alopecia Scalp)
  3.8 백선 두피(Tinea capitis Scalp)
  3.9 노화성 두피(Aging Scalp)
  3.10 염증성 두피(Inflame Scalp)
  3.11 건선두피(Psoriasis Scalp)
  3.12 스테로이드계 부작용 두피(Steroid side effect Scalp)
  3.13 탈모두피(alopecia scalp)
 4. 기능성 콘텐츠 설계 및 개발
  4.1 두피관리 콘텐츠 설계
  4.2 아키텍쳐(Architecture)
  4.3 기능성 콘텐츠 구현
 5. 결론


  • 배재환 Jae Hwan Bae. 동명대학교
  • 심은경 Eun Kyung Sim. 동명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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