


제주 온주밀감 주스 농축액의 부산물로부터 추출된 정유의 성분 특성


Aroma Characteristics of Essential Oil extracted from byproduct of Juice Concentrate of Citrus unshiu in Jeju

권소영, 김금란

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The volatile aroma components of EOW (essential oil from whole fruits) and EOP (essential oil from peels) of citrus unshiu, industrially obtained from by product of juice concentrate, were investigated in this study. The oil yield was observed in EOW (0.17%) and EOP (0.24%). Volatiles of EOW and EOP were analyzed by a solid-phase microextraction/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (SPME/GC/MS). 47 components of EOW and 50 components of EOP including; monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, alcohols, aldehydes, esters, oxides and others were identified and quantified. The total amount of monoterpene hydrocarbons was 58.78% in EOW and 82.77% in EOP while sequiterpene hydrocarbones ranged 1.02~7.74%. And limonene (41.48%, 37.51%) was the major component among the monoterpene hydrocarbons. The concentrations of several monoterpenes (β-Myrcene, g- Terpinene and o-Cymene) were different from each other. The characteristic aroma of EOW was compared with those of EOP by sensory evaluation. Aroma preference levels of EOW and EOP were not so high and there was no significant difference in the preference levels between EOW and EOP. Both of mean value were 3.1 (moderate). Descriptors from flavor- profile method of EOW and EOP were fragrant, citrusy, fresh, sweet, acidic, aldehydic, floral, fruity non citrusy, bitter, waxy, terpency, sharp and peppery. From a quantitative descriptive analysis method, EOW and EOP had both similar aroma pattern of strong citrusy, weak sweet, weak floral and weak fruity. EOW exhibited fragrant and fresh aromas stronger than EOP while terpency and acidic aromas were weaker than EOP which could be explained by different compositions and concentrations of monoterpene hydrocarbones and alcohols. The results of this study have provided a starting point for the investigation to exploit new Jeju natural essential oil which was from byproduct of juice concentrate of citrus unshiu.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Materials and Methods
  1. Materials
  2. Method
  3. Statistical Analysis
 Ⅲ. Results and Discussion
  1. Yield of essential oils
  2. GC-MS analysis of headspace volatiles of EOW and EOP
  3. Sensory evaluation of characteristic aroma patterns of essential oils
 Ⅳ. Conclusion


  • 권소영 So Young Kwon. 향 디자인 연구공간 센터
  • 김금란 Kum Lan Kim. 수원여자대학교 미용예술과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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