


『日本書紀』百濟 관련 기사의 역사적 가치에 대한 검토


Review on Historical Value of Articles on Baekje in Nihonshoki

『일본서기』백제 관련 기사의 역사적 가치에 대한 검토

심경순, 이재운

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper analyses the articles on Baekje in Nihonshoki according to the period of time and subject field. Also, the paper reviews contents of such articles within historical development of Baekje. Moreover, Nihonshoki is comparatively analyzed with the Baekjebonki of Samguksagi to discover a historical value of Nihonshoki in connection with studies on history of Baekje. With analysis of articles on Baekje in Nihonshoki, this paper covers the both reign of King Seong and King Euija in the perspective of period of time, and the diplomacy in the perspective of subject field. The contents on Baekje in Nihonshoki are analyzed over the stage in the development of Baekje. The articles of Hansung period are primarily diplomatic affairs and royal family affairs. Also, the initial diplomatic relation between Baekje and Wae and political situation within royal court of Baekje can be learned in detail through analyzing articles on diplomacy and royal family during the reign of King Geunchogo and King Asin. The articles on Korean peninsula in Nihonshoki are mainly centered in Woongjin period. From the articles on the Four Towns of the Country Yimna and cession of Kimun·Daesa during the reign of King Muryeong and King Seoung implies that Baekje fully restored both its internal and external power after transferring its capital city to Woongjin. The articles on Sabi period are mainly about the reign of King Seong after transferring the capital city to Sabi and early age of King Euija, and those articles shows that Baekje tried to reinforce royal authority and taken an offensive actions against Goguryo and Silla by taking advantage of close diplomatic tie between Baekje and Wae. Also, the close relation between Baekje Restoration Forces and Wae’s material support and military aid to Baekje Restoration Forces is well described in articles after the fall of Baekje. In comparative analysis between Nihonshoki and Baekjebonki of Samguksagi, 7 historical events are reviewed out of 34 which are appeared on both of them, in the perspective of royal family, diplomacy and military. With comparative analysis, three characteristics of articles can be addressed. Firstly, the articles of Nihonshoki including Accession of King Jinsa and King Asin, Death of King Seong at the battlefield, Interception of diplomatic document, Battle of Doksan Castle and Baekje Restoration Movement supplement to Baekjebonki of Samguksagi. Secondly, the story about hostage-taken Crown Prince Jeonji is well portrayed in Nihonshoki while story about his accession is well described in Baekjebonki of Samguksagi so that two history books are complementary. Similarly, the accession of King Dongseong and Muryeong is detailed in Nihonshoki while the assassination of King Dongseong is more detailed in Baekjebonki of Samguksagi so that two history books are complementary. Thirdly, the King Muryeong is recorded as a son of King Dongseong in Baekjebonki of Samguksagi but it is more verisimilitude that King Muryeong and King Dongseong are a brother of half-blood. In this sense, the articles of Nihonshoki correct an error in Baekjebonki of Samguksagi. Lastly, it is advisable to conduct comparative analysis between two history books to discover the historical value of Nihonshoki in connection with studies on history of Baekje.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 『日本書紀』의 사료적 검토
 Ⅲ. 『日本書紀』百濟 관련 기사 분석
 Ⅳ. 『三國史記』百濟本紀 기사와의 비교분석
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 심경순 Sim, Kyoung-soon. 전주대학교 대학원 사학과 박사과정 수료
  • 이재운 Lee, Jae-un. 전주대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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