

단순체계모델의 단순기능분석을 적용한 주부연구의 쟁점


The Application of the Simple System Model Analysis to the Housewives' Study

김선미, 송혜림, 이승미

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study applicates one of the five elaborated functional analyses of Piotr Stztompka to the housewives’study. The four general assumptions of plurality, wholeness, integration and boundary of the simple system issue the eight specific solutions; reciprocity, exploitation, consensus, conflict, dependence, autonomy, isolation and structural context of the relationships among the various elements of the system. From the eight specific assumptions of the housewives’studies, we have found that many managerial subsystem studies see the housewives’relationships to other elements in their reciprocity, concensus, dependence and isolation characteristics. If the assumptions of autonomy and structual context are used to this kind of study, we can understand the housewives’problem and potential but as an active subject of their humanlives, not as a simply passive primary manager of the family, and we can find a new concept of the development to change the housewives’quality of life.


 I. 문제제기 ; 분석적 연구를 위한 기능분석의 유용성
 II. 이론적 틀 ; 단순체계 모델과 단순기능분석의 일반가정과 특수가정
 III. 주부연구의 분석
  1. 호혜성 대 착취성
  2. 일치성과 갈등성
  3. 의존성과 자율성
  4. 고립성과 구조적 맥락성
 IV. 요약과 논의


  • 김선미 Sun Mi, Kim. 광주대학교 가족복지전공 부교수
  • 송혜림 Dr. oec. Hey rim, Song. 울산대학교 아동가정복지전공 부교수
  • 이승미 Seung mi, Lee. 우석대학교 가정복지전공 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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