

‘그림 묘사 후 추론하기’ 글쓰기 유형 중심의 영어 수업 모형 개발 연구


A study of developing English writing instruction models on the pattern of describing pictures and making an inference

신태섭, 표경현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to develop English writing instruction models in order to improve 1st grade high school students’ writing ability under the communicative framework. A writing pattern ‘describing pictures and making an inference’ was utilized to develop writing instruction models and lesson plans. In order to accommodate a wider range of teachers’ needs in high school, the study took into consideration two teaching conditions, learner proficiency levels (high, mid, and low) and skill integration (listening, writing, and reading, writing) in the development process. A total of five English writing instruction models and lesson plans for different teaching conditions were developed using two chapters extracted from two textbooks. The characteristics of the newly developed models and lesson plans were provided so that teachers can easily modify them for their own needs in the practice. Further, the writing pattern ‘describing pictures and making an inference’ turned out to be quite adaptable to real teaching conditions and seemed to contribute to enhancing students’ creativity as well as their writing skills. At the end, study limitations were discussed.


 I. 서론  II. 이론적 배경   1. 의사소통 중심 교수법   2. 과업 중심 교수법   3. 협동적 언어 교수법   4. 의사소통 중심 영어 쓰기 지도 원리  III. 연구 방법   1. 2009년 개정 교육과정 영어 I 쓰기 성취 기준(교육과학기술부, 2012)   2. 수업 조건 선정   3. 수업 지도안 개발  IV. 수업 모형 및 수업지도안 개발   1. 학습자 수준별 일반 수업 모형 및 수업지도안   2. 기능 통합형 일반 수업 모형 및 수업지도안  V. 결론  참고문헌  부록


  • 신태섭 Shin, Tae-Seop. 가온중학교
  • 표경현 Pyo, Kyong-hyon. 단국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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