

영어와 한국어 관계절의 의미와 접속 관계 연구


A Study on the Nexus and Meanings of Relative Clauses in English and Korean


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper explores the co-relations and differences in English and Korean relative clauses from the Role and Reference Grammar[RRG] perspective. The relatives in two languages are divided into gap-based(or syntax-based) and characterization-based(or semantic and pragmatics-based) relatives. In this paper the followings are discussed. First, the gap-based relatives in English are so called relative clauses, while the characterization-based relatives are non-restrictive relatives. Second, the restrictive relative clauses in English serve to identify the intersection of sets for relative clauses and head nouns, and so the type of the nexus is regarded as the NP subordination. On the other hand, nonrestricitve relatives in English are argued to take the nexus of cosubordination. In Korean, however, the gap-based relatives are argued to be externally headed relative clauses, while characterization-based relatives are argued to be internally headed relative clauses and gapless relatives. The type of the nexus in Korean externally headed relatives is classed as the subordination, which provide characterization for the antecedent. On the other hand, the type of the nexus for internally headed relatives and gapless relatives could be the cosubordination. (Pusan National University)


 1. 서론
 2. 영어 공백 기반 관계절과 특성화 기반 관계절
  2.1. 영어 공백 기반 관계절
  2.2. 영어 특성화 기반 관계절
 3. 한국어 공백 관계절과 특성화 기반 관계절
  3.1. 한국어 공백 기반 관계절
  3.2. 한국어 특성화 기반 관계절
 4. 결론


  • 박기성 Kiseong Park. 부산대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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