Characterization of the Distribution of Indicator Species Beetles in the Mt. Mangunsan Area
강원대학교 산림과학연구소 Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 제40권 제2호 2024.06 pp.82-89
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Characterization of cellulose nanocrystals-graphene composite films for gas sensor applications
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Characterization Studies on Data Access Bias in Mobile Platforms
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Characterization of Constitutively Activating Eel Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Receptor
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Characterization of a Smelting Furnace in Ungyo Site in Wanju, Jeollabuk-do, Through Slag Analysis
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Characterization of Dental Resin Cement Containing Graphene Oxide
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Characterization and Structural Elucidation of Chemical Constituents of Pinus pumila
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