

Proposal of the Experimental Promotional Video Model using Image Extension and Contraction, Overlay Techniques: based on augmented Reality and Virtual Museum Concepts




This study is about expressive techniques for promotional videos of cultural-arts organizations, and specifically aims to propose the new video producing model based on the research of Augmented Reality technology and Virtual exhibition. Up to this day, Augmented realty is not popularized for making promotional videos, but it has potential value since this technology can be variously connected with culture contents, specially for exploring exhibitions of museums or art galleries. Therefore, this study aims to examine characteristics of the technology, and find the possibility of combining Information & communication technology with the culture contents industry, specially, for making promotional videos. Then suggest the new experimental design model for making promotional video using the concept, and analyze how the new design model expressive techniques make the synergy effect and how the new model is differentiated from the existing promotional video design on the aspects of maximizing user experience and user interaction.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. Virtual Exhibition
  2.2. Imaging Mapping
  2.3. Analysis of Augmented Reality
  2.4. Anlaysis of Existing Promotional Videos
 3. The Expressive Techniques of the Experimental Video
  3.1. Design Model of the Framework
  3.2. Image Expressive Techniques
 4. Result of the Experimental Model
  4.1. The Implement Result
  4.2. The Performance Evaluation Analysis
  4.3. Suggestion of the New Expressive Technique Model
 5. Conclusion


  • Ga Ram Cho Department of Contents Design, Seoul Women’s University
  • Hak Hyun Choi Department of Contents Design, Seoul Women’s University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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