

The Effects of Heterophilous Offline and Online Workplace Communication Networks on Job Performance (Research in Progress)



Globally the workplace is becoming more heterogeneous in nature with people from different backgrounds and cultures interacting and working together to complete common tasks. However, work, advice, and information transfer are structured by network ties based on the principle of homophily. These workplace network ties influence job performance; the more direct ties employees have the higher their work performance. The implications are that in a highly diverse workplace, employees must either utilize heterophilous communication networks or decrease the number of direct ties thus leading to lower work performance. If neither of these occurs then the premise that more direct ties lead to better job performance cannot be generalized to highly diverse workplaces, thus other possibilities must be investigated. In our study we seek to find which of these scenarios ensue. We will conduct a field study in an energy company characterized by its high diversity of employees, surveying all 152, to better understand the interactions between heterophilous online and offline workplace communication networks and job performance.


 Literature Review
  Social Network Theory
  Network Homophily/Hetrophily
  Human, Social, and Psychological Capital
 Research Model and Hypotheses
  Research Model
  Development of Hypothesis
  Participation and Data Collection
  Pilot Study


  • Kieran Ryan 저자정보 기재, KeiMyung University, 1095 Dalgubeol-daero, Daegu, 704401, Korea
  • Kyung Jin Cha 저자정보 기재, KeiMyung University, 1095 Dalgubeol-daero, Daegu, 704401, Korea


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