

Research Article

팽이버섯 자실체, 팽이버섯 균사체 및 동충하초 균사체의 유용성분 분석


The analysis of useful components in Flammulina velutipes fruit body, Flammulina velutipes mycelium and Cordyceps militaris mycelium

김용두, 곽상호, 김경제, 서경순, 박태영, 유강열, 진성우

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Flammulina velutipes fruit body, Flammulina velutipes mycelium and Cordyceps militaris mycelium were analyzed for their proximate composition, protein-bound polysaccharide, nucleic acid and amino acids. The content of ash and crude fiber in F. velutipes fruit body were higher than F. mycelium and C. militaris mycelium. C. militaris mycelium showed the highest crude fat content while F. velutipes fruit body had lowest. Nitrogen free extract content of the samples varied from 56.8% in F. velutipes fruit body to 61.9% in F. velutipes mycelium. The compositions of total protein and total free sugars of protein-bound polysaccharide were found to be significant differences for all samples. Nucleic acid related compounds were identified the 5'- GMP, 5'-XMP, 5'-IMP in all samples. The content of total nucleic acids were high in the orders of F. velutipes myclial (286.71 mg%), F. velutipes fruit body(187.36 mg%) and C. militaris mycelial(76.85 mg%). The highest content of 5'-GMP was found in F. velutipes fruit body. The most nucleic acid of F. velutipes mycelial and C. militaris mycelial were the 5'-XMP. As for the analysis of total amino acids, seventeen amino acids were identified by HPLC and the major amino acid was glutamic acid in all samples. The content of total amino acids were high in the orders of F. velutipes fruit body (19,919 mg%), F. velutipes mycelium(19,018 mg%) abd C. militaris mycelium(18,965 mg%). We determined the developing new food product such as amino acid drink and amino acid containing food using extracts of Flammulina velutipes fruit body, Flammulina velutipes mycelium and Cordyceps militaris mycelium.


 재료 및 방법
  일반성분 분석
  조단백다당류의 추출
  단백다당류의 분석
  핵산관련물질의 측정
  구성아미노산 분석
  유리아미노산 분석
 결과 및 고찰
  일반성분 함량
  조단백다당류의 수율 및 함량
  핵산관련물질 함량
  구성아미노산 함량
  유리아미노산 함량
 감사의 글


  • 김용두 Yong-Doo Kim. 순천대학교 식품공학과
  • 곽상호 Sang-Ho Kwak. 순천청암대학교 포장물류학과
  • 김경제 Kyung-Je Kim. (재)장흥군버섯산업연구원
  • 서경순 Kyoung-Sun Seo. (재)장흥군버섯산업연구원
  • 박태영 Tae-Young Park. (재)장흥군버섯산업연구원
  • 유강열 Kang-Yeol Yu. (재)전주생물소재연구소
  • 진성우 Seong-Woo Jin. (재)장흥군버섯산업연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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