

아동ㆍ청소년 에니어그램 프로그램 국내논문의 통합적 고찰


The Integrative Review : Enneagram for Children · Adolescence in Korea Research

도경진, 김덕진, 김미혜, 김정선, 김한나, 신윤미, 이은영, 유석분, 이정섭

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose : The purpose of this study was to develop a better enneagram program that promotes well-roundedness in personalities of children and adolescence. Method : The study analyses 23 children·adolescence enneagram research papers published from 2004 to 2013 in Korea by following the integrative review method by Whittmore and Knafl. Result : The analysis reveals that 23 research papers can be categorized by research area, research subject, and effect of research. Based on research area, there are 11 counseling psychology papers, 6 nursing paper, and 6 education paper. Based on research subject, college students account for most of the subject. 8 research have been done on college students; 6 research have been done on high school students; 6 research have been done on elementary school students; 3 research have been done on middle school students. Based on effect of research, 8 research papers regarding self-identity and another 8 research papers regarding human relationship have been used the most. Conclusion : The study concludes that various enneagram programs should be developed to promote sound growth of children and adolescence and that such programs should be incorporated into school curriculum in order for a follow-up study that measures its long-term effect to be conducted.


  1. 연구의 필요성
  2. 연구 목적
  1. 연구 설계
  2. 연구 절차
  3. 연구 대상 논문
  4. 자료 수집 과정
  5. 연구의 질 평가
  1. 연구 연도와 분야별 에니어그램 연구
  2. 연구 설계별 에니어그램 연구
  3. 연구 대상별 에니어그램 연구
  4. 에니어그램 프로그램의 구성시간
  5. 에니어그램 프로그램의 효과변인


  • 도경진 Do, Keong-Jin. 경인여자대학교 간호학과 초빙교수
  • 김덕진 Kim, Duck-Jin. 중원대학교 간호학과 초빙교수
  • 김미혜 Kim, Mi-Hye. 한양대학교 서울병원 수간호사
  • 김정선 Kim, Jeong-Seon. 춘해보건대학교 조교수
  • 김한나 Kim, Han-Na. 한양대학교 간호학부 박사과정
  • 신윤미 Shin, Yoon-Mee. 한양대학교 간호학부 박사과정
  • 이은영 Lee, Eun-Young. 한양대학교 간호학부 박사과정
  • 유석분 Yoo, Seog-Bun. 송곡대학교 간호과 강사
  • 이정섭 Lee, Jeong-Seop. 한양대학교 간호학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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