

한국과 미국의 상담윤리규정 비교 연구


Comparison of Korean and American Ethical Standards in Counseling


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Many of Korean counseling associations borrowed their ethical standards from either the United States of America or Germany. So did Korean Christian counseling associations. For this reason, Christian counseling associations in Korea have not been able to identify their own Christian ethical principles and standards in counseling appropriate to their cultures. As professional Christian counseling has been developed in Korea, the number of Christian counselors hear also increases. It is evident that they need biblically-oriented ethical Christian counseling principles and standards in order to deal with various ethical dilemmas in the field. This study aimed to review and compare ethical principles and standards between Korean versus the USA as well as Christian versus non-Christian perspectives. For this purpose, several American and Korean ethical principles and standards were compared. American ethics are from American Psychological Association, American Counseling Association, Christian Association for Psychological Studies, and American Association of Christian Counselors. Korean ethical principles and standards are from Korean Psychological Association, Korean Counseling Psychology Association, Korean Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association, and Korean Pastoral Counseling Association. In comparison with ethical standards in the USA, which are very specific and congruent with legal regulations, those in Korea do not appear to be concrete. In addition, Korean laws and regulations for counselors have not been established well. Biblical and ethical principles were reviewed from several sources. The suggested ethical principles include, but not limited to, God’s words, God’s authority, Jesus Christ as a modeling figure, work of the Holy Spirit, connection with church and community, sanctification, Christian leadership, commitment, social responsibility, and so forth. Christian ethical principles need to be comprehensive enough to embrace secular ethical principles suggested by professional associations. For ethical counseling, therapists need to make an ethical decision at any situation. Several ethical decision-making models were reviewed in order to help Christian counselors develop rational thought process including referencing ethical standards and legal regulations, identify alternative options, evaluate options, consult with others, and reflect outcomes. In addition, ethical characters are necessary for one to be an ethical Christian counselor. It is integral that Christian therapists consider their motivation, integrity, commitment, maturity, and so forth. Moral characters are critically important to Christian counselors which is congruent to biblical teaching. Moral characters are demonstrated by Jesus Christ and continuously emphasized throughout the Bible. Among various ethical issues, the most frequent ones were discussed according to ethical standards. In terms of competence, counselors and psychologists needs to assure their ability to provide psychological services based on their education, training, supervision, and license. It is recommended to maintain their competence through continuing education. It is very important for Christian counselors to keep their competence because they are called to their profession by God. Two critical issues in a therapeutic relationship were reviewed and discussed according to their ethical standards. First, ethical and unethical dual relationships were discussed. Considering cultural differences between Korean and the USA, it can be viewed slightly differently. However, the benefit of clients and objectivity of therapist are considered utmost in dealing with dual relationship issues. Second, sexual relationship between therapist and client was reviewed according to its ethical standards and legal responsibility. Signs of dangerous relationships were reviewed and suggestions were made on how to increase awareness of personal issues and prevent these issues. Lastly, confidentiality and its limits were reviewed with related ethical standards.


한국의 상담 관련 학회들의 윤리규정들은 미국이나 독일의 윤리규정들을 번 역하여 그대로 사용하고 있고, 기독교 상담학회들도 같은 현실에 처해 있다. 이 처럼 윤리규정을 빌려와 사용하다 보니, 특히 한국 기독교 상담학회들이 기독교 상담윤리의 원리들을 제시하고 못하고 있다. 윤리규정의 세부사항들도 내용 면 에서 구체적이지 못하며, 그 규정들을 실행하는 데도 차이를 보인다. 즉, 미국의 상담자나 심리학자들과 관련된 윤리규정은 매우 구체적이고 주 정부의 법 규정 과 대체로 일치하며 강제성이 있는 데 비해, 한국은 학회의 윤리규정이 덜 세부 적이고 상담자를 위한 법 규정조차 부족한 실정이다. 한국에서 기독교 상담이 전문분야로 발전하면서 전문적인 교육과 훈련을 받은 기독교 상담자들이 빠르 게 배출되고 있는 데 비해, 그들의 활동에 대한 성경적이고 윤리적인 지침을 제 공할 윤리원리와 세부 규정의 확립이 시급하다고 본다. 본 연구에서는 기독교 상담자가 윤리적 문제를 다루는 데 필요한 윤리적 원리들을 살펴보고, 윤리적 문제에 직면했을 때 효과적으로 의사결정을 하는 과정과 기독교 상담자로서 윤 리적인 성품의 중요성에 대해 살펴보았다. 또한, 상담 장면에서 가장 빈번히 발 생하는 윤리적 문제들을 기준으로, 상담자의 유능성, 이중관계 및 성적 관계, 그 리고 비밀보장의 문제와 관련하여 각 학회의 규정들을 비교하였다.


 I. 여는 글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 기독교 상담윤리의 기초
  2. 영역별 윤리규정 비교
 III. 닫는 글


  • 김화자 Hwacha Kim. 월드미션대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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