

모서리 이동이 가능한 흡착력 기반의 벽로봇에 관한연구


Suction based Wall Climbing Robot for Edge Movement

김상훈, 이지수, 유동상

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The camera embedded wall climbing robot in this paper combines the suction and aerodynamic attraction toachieve good balance between strong adhesion force and high mobility and adopts embedded image processingtechnique to detect targets on the warehouse inspection. Experimental results showed that the robot can moveupward on the wall at the speed of 2.9m/min and carry 5kg payload in addition to 2.5kg self-weight, whichrecord the highest payload capacity among climbing robots of similar size. With two 11.1V lithium-polymerbattery, the robot can operate continuously for half hours. A wireless camera system, zigbee protocol module andseveral sensors was adopted for detecting target objects and dangerous situation on the wall and for sendingalarm signals to remote sensor node or manager.


 1. 서론
 2. The Robot Design and Structure
 3. The Embedded Image Processing System
 4. Experimental Results
 5. Conclusions
 6. Acknowledgments


  • 김상훈 Sanghoon Kim. 국립한경대학교 전기전자제어공학과 교수
  • 이지수 Ji-Soo Lee. 국립한경대학교 전기전자제어공학과 졸업
  • 유동상 Dong Sang Yoo. 국립한경대학교 전기전자제어공학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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