

영화번역에서 ‘생략자막’의 가능성 - 프랑스영화 『르아브르』의 사례를 중심으로-


The potential of subtitle’s absence for the dramatic effect : Focusing on the french movie Le Havre


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Temporary absence(s) of a particular element(s) can make desiredeffects in the cinema, essentially a composite and organized artform. For example, an absence of sounds creates silence, an absence of light make darkness, and their meanings allow formultiple variations of ‘mise en scene’ and explanation. But how aboutsubtitling? Apparently, we do not yet consider the subtitle as anelement adequate in itself. It is probably because negative clichesstill remain: the subtitle is a necessary evil, or rather subtitling is asubordinate translation for delivering the meaning of dialogues. Therefore, first of all, this article will analyze the desired subtitle’seffects which are removed at the will of director Aki Kaurismak, inthe movie Le Havre. What is more, according to this analysis we willexamine the role of the translator: his role is not simply to act as afaithful transposition of dialogues, the suppression of which canalso become a possibility via his autonomous choice for the dramaticeffects of ‘mise en scene’ in a translated movie.


 1. 서론
 2. 선행연구와 예비 분석
  2.1. 선행연구
  2.2. 예비 분석
 3. 본론
  3.1. 음성의 구두법적 효과
  3.2. 음성중심주의와 자막
  3.3 낯섦의 표현 수단
  3.4 시야의 제한
 4. ‘생략자막’의 가능성


  • 정구웅 Jung, Goo-woong.. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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