

IJIBC 13-2-4

HTML5-based Web TV Industry Trends



The web service companies develop the App support technique of the HTML5 base in the smart media system and smart TV competitively while the Web platform of the HTML5 base is legislated with the next generation national standard. It is essential to the web kernel, which is the common library of the operating system including the file, window, resource and network management is provided in order to support the various app developments of the HTML5 base effectually. Additionally, the web application program can support UI/UX function of the desktop user using the web browser and JavaScript drive and administration, window management function, and etc. is needed.


 1. Introduction
 2. Global Trend of Technology Development
  2.1. Technology Development Case
  2.2. Prospect of Technique
 3. Global Marketability Analysis
  3.1. Smart TV Market Analysis
  3.2. Subscriber Present of Global TV Broadcast
  3.3. Global Smart TV Marketability Analysis
 4. Conclusion


  • Sehwan Park ReSEAT Program, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Seoul, Korea
  • Jungho Kim ReSEAT Program, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Seoul, Korea
  • Daesang Yu ELCOMTECH, Co. Ltd.
  • Jongkyu Park Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Seoul, Korea


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