

The Analogy of Data within an e-Government Interoperable Ecosystem (AD-eGIE) : Utilizing Sectorial Information




A major challenge faced by countries, and in particular developing countries is to improve the manner in which heterogeneous information systems work together across government, exposing valuable data required to improve government service delivery. Almost every government institution has activities related to each other, which makes interoperability between them a necessity. In view of this, this paper introduces the Analogy of Data within an e-Government Interoperable Ecosystem (AD-eGIE). The ADeGIE provides a theoretical data and systems architectural model for the establishment of interoperability between information systems, which is a key issue in unlocking data that is required for the creation of egovernment solutions. This work deals particularly with sectorial data, which is classified into primary and secondary data, and the means of sharing and exchanging it. To achieve workable e-government electronic services that spans across government sectors, the ideal situation would be to reduce data duplications by substituting secondary sectorial data with primary sectorial data through a standardized data exchange and sharing system architecture.


 Opinions for Practitioners
 Statement of the Problem
 Related Work
  Interoperability as Pieces of Software
  Interoperability – Effects on Decision Making
  Interoperability – Adoption Model
  Technical and Data Interoperability
 The AD-eGIE System Architecture
  Data Value Verses Rate of Demand
 Data Adoption by Third Party Customers
  Supply and Demand of Primary Sectorial Data and Rate of Replacement of Secondary Data


  • Stefanus van Staden Government of Namibia, Namibia
  • Jameson Mbale University of Namibia, Namibia


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