한국경영정보학회 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 제29권 제1호 2019.03 pp.1-34
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e-Government Cloud/Enterprises Architecture Strategies & Programs in the Philippines
한국EA학회 한국EA학회 학술발표논문집 International Conference on e_Gov. Enterprise Architecture & Cloud Computing(eGEAC 2018) 2018.12 pp.163-186
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E-Government Applications in Health Practices : The Indian Experience
인하대학교 글로벌e거버넌스연구소 IJPGN Volume 2 Number 1 2014.04 pp.42-64
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한국경영정보학회 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 제20권 제1호 2010.03 pp.1-31
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E-Government and Enterprise Architecture : Organizational Maturity and Characteristics
한국EA학회 한국EA학회 학술발표논문집 제3회 정보 기술 아키텍쳐 컨퍼런스 2005.11 pp.21-43
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Vietnam e-Government Architecture Framework and Interoperablility : Today & Tomorrow
한국EA학회 한국EA학회 학술발표논문집 International Conference on e_Gov. Enterprise Architecture & Cloud Computing(eGEAC 2018) 2018.12 pp.21-37
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Decentralized e-government Architecture Experience in Azerbaijan Current Status & Issues
한국EA학회 한국EA학회 학술발표논문집 International Conference on e_Gov. Enterprise Architecture & Cloud Computing(eGEAC 2018) 2018.12 pp.135-162
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Making e-Government, Work in Japan
한국EA학회 한국EA학회 학술발표논문집 제3회 정보 기술 아키텍쳐 컨퍼런스 2005.11 pp.595-602
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Utilization of e-Government to improve bus transportation services – The case of Abuja
한국EA학회 한국EA학회 학술발표논문집 AI 트랜스포메이션 2019.10 pp.180-189
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Structuration of e-Government Systems Assimilation : A Comprehensive Framework Development and Case
한국경영정보학회 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 제21권 제3호 2011.09 pp.19-49
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한국경영정보학회 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 제21권 제1호 2011.03 pp.49-80
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Structural Analysis of e-Government in India
한국경영정보학회 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 제20권 제2호 2010.06 pp.1-21
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Strategic Implications of E-government for Two International Metropolitan Cities : "Seoul and Bursa"
한국EA학회 한국EA학회 학술발표논문집 제3회 정보 기술 아키텍쳐 컨퍼런스 2005.11 pp.169-176
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The Digital Divide and E-Government in the United States
인하대학교 글로벌e거버넌스연구소 IJPGN Volume 1 Number 1 2013.04 pp.45-68
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