

결혼이주여성 스토리텔링 양상과 ‘이주 어머니’ 형상화 방안 모색 — 2000년대 다문화 소재 서사를 중심으로


The Reconstruction of Migrant Women in Modern Novels and ‘Migrant Mother’shaping Develop plans-Focusing on 2000’s Narrative of Multicultural


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This essay looks into the positionality of migrant women, particularythat of ‘migrant mothers’, within the process of recent transition intomulticultural society in korean context. The task of the essay is toanalyse the discourse of multiculture represented 2000s korean imagenarrative. The focus of this study is the communicative ethic aboutmigrant women and migrant mother. The analysis showed two aspect of the discourse of multiculture on2000s korean novel. The women who migrate to get married are visuallystared at by men from the start of the match- making process and areasked as the wife and daughter-in-law to abide by the patriarchal familysystem and asked to provide the body obediently. They are objectified forbody and sexuality. It was the author’s primary concern to learn theperceived images of migrant workers by Korean novel as well asideological effects arising from such images. The reason, which caused theauthor to pay extra attention to this subject, is because the perceivedimages of migrant workers created through representation of Korean literature are not only prejudiced or biased but also recognized by generalpublic as if they were true. The task of the essay is to analyse the discourse of multiculturerepresented some movie. The authenticity which appeal to human thingis represented as comminicative ethic. It leadl to discover the humanthing which could understand the otherness and communicate with openmind. The empathy and understanding of the pain revealed in the narrativesof such invoke the sentimental understanding of diverse cultures andawareness as citizens from the readers.


1. 다문화사회로 가는 길목의 시금석, ‘결혼이주여성’
 2. 2000년대 다문화소재 한국소설의 서사유형
  1) 이분법적 구도의 전형화된 스토리텔링 양상
  2) 낭만적 사랑으로 포장된 가부장의 원리
 3. 한국사회의 새로운 분류, 낯선 얼굴의 ‘엄마’
  1) 낯선‘엄마’, 말하기 시작하다.
  2) 또 하나의 가족, 답답함으로 소통하다.
 4.‘ 차이’를‘소통’하기 위하여


  • 서연주 Seo Yeonju. 국민대 교양과정부 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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