

페이스북 사용자간 내재된 신뢰수준 예측 방법


Prediction Method for the Implicit Interpersonal Trust Between Facebook Users


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Social network has been expected to increase the value of social capital through online user interactions which remove geographical boundary. However, online users in social networks face challenges of assessing whether the anonymous user and his/her providing information are reliable or not because of limited experiences with a small number of users. Therefore, it is vital to provide a successful trust model which builds and maintains a web of trust. This study aims to propose a prediction method for the interpersonal trust which measures the level of trust about information provider in Facebook. To develop the prediction method, we first investigated behavioral research for trust in social science and extracted 5 antecedents of trust : lenience, ability, steadiness, intimacy, and similarity. Then we measured the antecedents from the history of interactive behavior and built prediction models using the two decision trees and a computational model. We also applied the proposed method to predict interpersonal trust between Facebook users and evaluated the prediction accuracy. The predicted trust metric has dynamic feature which can be adjusted over time according to the interaction between two users.


 1. 서론
 2. 기존연구
 3. 사용자간 신뢰예측 프레임워크
 4. 페이스북 사용자간 신뢰예측 변수의 조작화
  4.1 신뢰기질
  4.2 능력
  4.3 성실성
  4.4 친밀성
  4.5 유사성
 5. 실험
 6. 결론


  • 송희석 Hee Seok Song. 한남대학교 경영정보학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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