

소월과 이상 시의 언어기호학적 비교 분석 : 종결 형식과 시적 이미지와의 연관성을 중심으로


A Comparative Analysis of Sowol’s and Yisang’s Poems from a Semiotic Perspective : Focusing on the relation between ‘ending form’ and ‘poetic image’


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Comparative Analysis of Sowol’s and Yisang’s Poems from a Semiotic Perspective: Focusing on the relation between ‘ending form’ and ‘poetic image’ Jungran Oh (Kwangwoon University) This paper conducts a comparative analysis of Sowol’s 165 poems and Yisang’s 83 poems with a view to demonstrating that the image of a poem is constructed not only with its contents but also in its usage of the ‘ending form.' From a semiotics perspective each poet's ‘ending forms’ show his inclination towards certain ‘ending forms.’ The pattern as to how the ‘ending forms’ are employed and used can be deduced through examining the correlation between the frequency and the cognitive style in certain ‘ending forms,’ which create the overall image of the poem and the poet’s poetic world. In other words, it is not only the difference in content but also the semiotic differences employed in ‘ending forms’ that distinguish the poetic images of the two poets.


1. 서언
 2. 소월 시의 종결 형식 분석
 3. 이상 시의 종결 형식 분석
 4. 종결 형식과 시적 이미지와의 연관성
 5. 결언


  • 오정란 Jungran Oh. 광운대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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