

An Investigation into Elementary Students' Features Connected with English Speaking Anxiety


Min-young Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Min-young. 2013. An Investigation into Elementary Students' Features Connected with English Speaking Anxiety. Journal of Linguistic Studies 18(2), 123-145. Students who are learning a second language experience a certain amount of anxiety when speaking the second language. This study proposes to investigate the level of anxiety students in the 4th and 6th grades of elementary school feel while speaking and learning English as a foreign language. A modified version of the FLCAS study developed by Horowitz was used to collect the data. A questionnaire of 28 questions was given to the students to complete. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions related to the students' features and the other 18 questions to measure the students anxiety when speaking English. The questionnaire results were analyzed using a statistical programme. It is clear that students do suffer from anxiety when speaking in English. However, the level of anxiety differs based on previous or extra-curricular English studies. Another important factor which influences anxiety levels is the motivation the students have to learn English. The two main types namely, 'want to-integrative motivation' and 'have to-instrumental motivation' play a significant role in reducing the level of anxiety the students experience when speaking English. (Gwang-ryeong Elementary School)


  4.1 Participants
  4.2. Research Instruments and Data Analysis
  3.1 Factor Analysis and Reliability
  3.2 Students' Background of Studying English.
  3.3 Students' Perspective to Parents, Teachers and Role model
  3.4 Students' Motivation to Study English
  3.5 Students' Needs to Improve Their Speaking Skill
  3.6 Correlation Among Student's Features


  • Min-young Kim Gwang-ryeong Elementary School


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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