

전북 전주시 달동네 환경 분석과 마을 가꾸기 방안에 관한 연구 - 전북 전주시 교동 자만마을을 중심으로 -


A Study on Environment of Daldongnae and Regeneration in Jeonju - Focused on the Jaman-maeul area in Jeonju City -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The study aims to figure out the problems of Daldongnae (hillside shantytown) in Jaman-dong, Jeonju, and to propose the countermeasures for village regeneration. Based on the survey of current conditions in the area and the case study of successful regeneration projects, this study suggests regenerating concepts for the community. The study on the current state analyzes that Jaman-dong is faced with the population decline, especially among the young, the lack of community facilities and infrastructure, and the unfavorable situation in the residential environment. The case study involves three successful Daldongnae regeneration projects: the culture-based regeneration of Cultural Village (in Gamcheon-dong, Busan), the regeneration focused on healthcare and education of Ibagugil (in Choryang-dong, Busan), and the community-led regeneration of Rainbow Village (in Dae-dong, Daejeon). The regenerating concepts for the community are as follows: utilizing the existing local community center as a gathering place for the residents, furnishing a cultural space for a growing number of visitors, adding new parking space, installing convenient facilities in order to provide better pedestrian environment for the disabled and elderly, improving street landscapes, and establishing citizen participation programs.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 방법
 2. 이론적 고찰
  2.1 도심속 달동네의 정의
  2.2 전주시 달동네의 형성과 변화
 3. 달동네 마을 가꾸기 사례
  3.1 사례선정 및 재개발 사례연구
  3.2. 부산 감천동 문화 마을
  3.3. 부산 초량동 이바구길
  3.4 대전시 대동 무지개마을
  3.5 성공사례를 통한 마을 가꾸기 유형분석
  3.6 소결
 4. 전주시 교동 자만마을 현황분석
  4.1 현황분석을 위한 구역선정
  4.2 사용자 (주민, 방문객) 의견조사
  4.3 구역 현황분석
  4.4 소결
 5. 전주시 교동 자만마을 가꾸기
  5.1 지역 커뮤니티 센터 시설제안
  5.2 방문객을 위한 문화 공간 설치계획
  5.3 주차장 및 마을 진입로 개선
  5.4 장애자 및 노인을 위한 골목길 개선 방안
  5.5 자만동 길 특성을 활용한 특화 방안
  5.6 주민참여 프로그램 제안
  5.7 소결
 6. 결론


  • 이성균 Lee, Sung-kyun. 정회원, 원광대학교 건축학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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