

북한식 서정의 초기 양상 —『리용악 시선집』(1957)을 중심으로


The early aspects of North Korean style lyricism — Focusing on Lee Yong Ak Anthology(1957)

김수복, 이지용

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aimed to figure out the early aspects of North Korean style lyricism with special reference to“ Lee Yong-Ak Anthology”published in 1957 by Chosun Writers Association Press. The early aspects of North Korean style lyricism shown in“ Lee Yong- Ak Anthology”can be divided into three. Firstly, there is a lyrical formation by the description of poetic space. Poems of Lee Yong-Ak had a characteristics to reflect lyrical image by means of landscape description before his defect to North Korea. Since his defect to North Korea, such poetic characteristics expressed hopeful and optimistic reality for the construction of utopia beyond a simple landscape description. Secondly, there is a lyrical image embodied by the routine of ordinary workers and love of the youth. Lyricism in North Korea created a methodology to find out unique style through the communist party convention. One particular thing to point out was ‘lyrical main character’. This was generally embodied under the love story between workers and the youth. The intention of such frame was to educate people to comply with the state value and to train people for the task of the communist party. Thirdly, there is a distinct North Korean lyrical feature through the combination between lyric and epic. The most unique feature in North Korean style lyricism is that it expanded the meaning of lyricism by the mix of lyric with epic. It is called“ lyrical epic.”Except for works classified in this genre, such features are widely shown in the overall works. Two lyrical characteristics mentioned in this study are embodied in the frame of epic at large. The early aspects of North Korean lyricism can be defined as a process of socialistic appropriation of existing lyrical concept which was allegedly knows as a polluted concept derived from the western bourgeois society.


1. 전후 북한에서 서정의 문제
 2.『 리용악 시선집』에서 나타난 북한식 서정
  1) 시적 공간의 묘사를 통한 서정의 형상화
  2) 노동자와 사랑으로 형상화된 서정적 주인공
  3) 서사와의 결합을 통한 서정의 확장
 3. 서정의 사회주의적 전유


  • 김수복 Kim Soo Bok. 단국대학교 교수
  • 이지용 Lee Ji Yong. 신흥대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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