

불한 병렬코퍼스에서 다중공기어에 의한 번역 대응 연구 - 고빈도어를 중심으로


A Study on Translation correspondences by the poly-cooccurrences in a French-Korean Parallel Corpus : Focused on High Frequency Nouns


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Corpus-based studies have become a general method of investigation in modern translation studies. One of the reasons to use a parallel corpus is to permit the direct examination of existing translation resources produced by translators. To extract precise data from a corpus and for the efficient study of these data, researchers have proposed techniques based on quantitative algorithms. Poly-cooccurrece is one of these quantitative methods as it allows the exploration of the distribution of concurrent occurrences of a particular word in a corpus. The aims of this study are as follows. First, to extract the concurrent occurrences of words that represent mutual translations in a French-Korean parallel corpus using poly-cooccurrence. Second, to compare lexical cooccurrences of these words. And third, to validate the advantage of this method in a corpus-based translation studies. Traditional methods such as KWIC (Keyword in Context) and simple-cooccurrence merely produced a list of concurrent words and failed to explain the correlation between the words. However, poly-cooccurrence creates a tree diagram which describes the distributions of the words and therefore we can explicitly comprehend the lexical context of translation units and its translation context by exploring hierarchically concurrent words in bi-textual resources.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1. 공기 검색
  2.2. 코퍼스의 계량적 분석과 공기 계산
  2.3. 다중공기어
 3. 불한 병렬코퍼스에서 다중공기어 분석
  3.1. 분석 코퍼스의 특징
  3.2. 다중공기어 탐색
 4. 결론을 대신하며


  • 조준형 Cho, Joon-hyung.. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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