A Study on teaching of Literary Composition simultaneous equation problems using Representation Strategy.
This research focused on the teaching of the literary composition simultaneous equation problems for 2nd grade middle school students. For the inquiry on the effect of the thinking by representation strategy at the understanding stage of the literary composition problems, students answered that drawings and making tables are helpful to understanding what the literary composition simultaneous equation problems ask. And also, to know the effect of using lesson plans that adopted representation strategy at the stage of understanding for the literary composition simultaneous equation problems, we compared the pre-test and post test results. The results showed that student who used representation strategy improved their test scores than students who did not used representation strategy.
I . 서론
1. 문장제의 개념
2. 문장제 해결 전략
3. 표상의 개념
4. 문제 표상
5. 문장제 해결과 문제의 표상
II. 연구 내용
1. 연구 대상 및 절차
2. 연구의 실제
III. 연구 결과
1. 검사 실시
2. 결과 분석
IV. 결론