


기록교교육의 신학적 근거에 대한 연구


A Research on the Theological Foundations for Christian Education


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the theological foundations for Christian education. Christian theology provides truth arguments the educator’s efforts to formulate his reformed view of Christian education. Christ is the means whereby the blindness can removed and the regeneration of the soul made possible. In this regeneration the sinperverted mind of man was also renewed. Here is the point where Christian education is made possible only through regeneration. Jesus Christ gives us the Great Commission before His ascension. Holy Spirit not only enables man to understand God’s revelation, but also gives him an insight into meaning of truth at all revels, so that he can see things steadily and see them whole. Man who bears the image of God came into being by a direct, immediate act of the Creator. But man’s original state, at creation, has been changed by intervention of sin. Redemption is provided by God, in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By faith in Him as Saviour, and obedience to the Holy Spirit, man may now be transformed unto godlikeness and restored to fellowship with God. Covenant theology provides us educational insight for the education of the children and next generation in Christian community. Also, the sound understanding of the priesthood of all believers will vitalize our Christian education.


I. 들어가는 글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 계시와 기독교교육
  2. 삼위 하나님과 기독교교육
  3. 인간이해와 기독교교육
  4. 언약신학과 기독교교육
  5. 만인제사장직과 기독교교육
 III. 나가는 글


  • 신현광 Shin, HyunKwang. 안양대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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